3 Facts show Geoparks of Taiwan can help on World Cleanup Day 世界清潔日 臺灣地質公園動起來


In the spirit of celebrating World Cleanup Day, we asked around our friend about their experience of cleanup movements. Gratefully, our friends in geoparks replied with a strong sense of familiarity. Here are the astonishing findings that show the Geoparks of Taiwan can help to protect the environment:

1.The cleanup movements regularly held around the year. Seven out of ten geoparks in Taiwan has seen more than one clean-up activity this year. In Penghu, there are countless clean-up activities hosted every year by the different organisations and local communities. We asked our friends in Penghu Marine geopark, on the top of their head, there are at least six clean-up events hosted since June, which can be found on national press and the website of the local government. Most impressively, in Longmen village, the Chief of Village lead local elders to clean their beach in the past two years and provide the Penghu County to celebrate the kite festival with their beach.

The Kite Festival in Penghu Marine geopark. Photo credit: 照片由澎湖海洋地質公園周麗炤老師提供

2.A high level of community involvement has been seen in the clean-up movements within geoparks in Taiwan.
In Matsu Geopark, eight local communities separately organized cleanup activities, which have been participated by 330 local people since June.
People who live in Hudong village in Penghu Marine geopark also committed to their environment. They regularly cleaned their beach on the third Saturday of each month.

A Cleanup event in Matsu Geopark 2020–06–15牛角社區發展協會淨灘合影 Photo credit:照片由交通部觀光局馬祖國家風景區管理處 許廣宗 提供

3.The cleanup movements are systematic, generally supported by local government or Tourism Bureau, and recorded as ICC (International Coastal Cleanup) suggested. Geoparks in Taiwan frequently saw local communities cooperating with associated organizations to maintain the landscape around their home.
With the collaborative effort, the local community in East Coast Geopark has organized three cleanup events in the past three months and clear 1000-meter length of the coastline in total.
Additionally, with the support of the Tourism Bureau, local communities in Matsu Geopark not only successfully create the first geopark in Taiwan, but they also conducted eight large cleanup events from June to September 2020. They gathered 330 people and collected 6,150 kg of trash from eight coastal areas.

A Cleanup event in East Coast Geopark 照片由富岡地質公園 謝政融 提供

前幾天,我們好奇的與臺灣地質公園網絡上的朋友們聊到世界地質公園網絡(GGN)將要慶祝世界清潔日(World Cleanup Day),沒想到地質公園的朋友提到淨灘都像在描述打掃自己家院子那般稀鬆平常!以下分享臺灣地質公園夥伴們淨灘的共同經驗:








從目前已搜集到的統計資料,東海岸富岡社區發展協會已清理了1公里的海岸,馬祖地質公園社區發起的淨灘活動則已蒐集到6,150 kg的垃圾!


和平島公園也跟Lets do it Taiwan分會也在世界清淨日舉辦日出淨灘活動:


A Cleanup event in Yehliu Geopark Photo credit: 照片由野柳地質公園 湯錦惠 提供

That’s all for today, we’ll continue to share the exciting news about the Geoparks of Taiwan. Please stay tuned! :)





我在地質公園 Geoparks in Taiwan
我在地質公園 Geoparks in Taiwan

Written by 我在地質公園 Geoparks in Taiwan

在地人才知道的土地脈絡在這 *A guide for tourists and scholars by Geoparks Association of Taiwan *Latest update on FB “LCIC.Taiwan” *Our website:

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